Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly!

The Good.

It’s fitting that today’s comments would be about something good happening in the neighborhood.  I want to give a shout-out to Frank Conley.  Frank has been on top of Neighborhood Watch for a few years.  He has organized “block captains” and through this organization has diligently kept homeowners informed of suspicious activities and police reports as these activities occur.  Without fail Frank sends an email at month end summarizing the Neighborhood Watch activity.

The Bad.

 Unfortunately, he doesn’t always get cooperation from the HOA officers.  Just recently, a section of rails on the porch of the clubhouse were busted.  Frank requested a report from the HOA Officers to determine whether a police report was issued, or not.  To my knowledge he has yet to receive a response.  Why couldn’t the HOA give Frank the information he requested?  Another instance of the lack of communication which I believe is at the root of most issues in the subdivision.  The HOA President and Board Members should take a lesson from Frank and follow his lead on communication and responsibility.

The Ugly.

The clearly disregard to Frank’s request for information, clearly supports my initial comments in the opening of this blog.  One can only suspect that the HOA officers are either oblivious to neighbor activities, or simply too arrogant to respond.

Thanks Frank for your diligent and effective Neighborhood Watch program.

Hopefully this forum will serve the homeowners to voice their opinions and comments about our neighborhood.  The HOA has an online message board.  However, it is heavily scrutinized for comments that are detriment to the HOA officers.  Comments, unless you want to buy or sell something, are usually deleted.  Complaints are deleted within hours of posting.  What kind of message board is that?  What purpose does it serve?  If I needed a classified ad, I would quickly turn to Craigslist, or eBay, certainly not the HOA message board.  So, again what is the purpose of the message board?

My commitment to this blog is that I will not delete comments unless crude and offensive language is used.  As long as the comments are civil, I will allow the posts.

Have a great day,
Please read the comments at the bottom of the page.  Today, Frank posted a list of issues that he accumulated over the past few weeks. 



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