The objective in establishing this blog is to give Dutchtown HOA members, a forum to express their opinions, complaints, suggestions, comments, praise and general discussions about our subdivision. I would be extremely pleased if this blog is able to offer solutions to some of the issues confronting the membership. The intention is not to provide a forum to ridicule or harass, but to provide solutions. Please be civil in your posts.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Tuesday, October 08, 2013
Another beautiful day in the
The HOA has no regularly scheduled dispatch of information to the homeowners. Board meeting minutes are not published for months, which lead me to question whether board meetings actually take place. We have no idea what decisions are being made, what infractions are being investigated, where our money is being spent, and who hasn't paid their dues. A few years ago I suggested a monthly newsletter to be published via our website, not only to keep the membership informed, but to also keep the officers on point for bringing good ideas to fruition. A very cursory effort was made, but never materialized.
post your comments.
Geaux Tigers
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Posting Instructions:
1. After entering your comments, select a profile from a drop-down menu.
2. Please select “Name/URL.”
3. Only name is necessary. There is also an option for “anonymous,” which I don’t encourage. All posters should identify themselves and not hide behind an anonymous posting.
4. Finally, click “publish” to post. There is also an optional “preview” button to be used before publishing. But you must click the “publish” button to post.
I hope to eventually have a more user friendly procedure, but for the time being, please use the above instructions.
I sent in a form to question about the minutes being posted and the answer was that he had sent them to be posted back in July and just realized it was still sitting in the outbox( REALLY). Wonder how often they check emails????? What about the minutes for August and September. Humm. NO COMMUNICATION PERIOD.